class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # ALOS Project ] .subtitle[ ## CASA0023 Remote Sensing Cities and Environment
Week 2 Presentation ] .author[ ### Soki Kimura ] .institute[ ### UCL Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis ] .date[ ### 2023/3/21 ] --- ## ALOS Project .pull-left[ <img src="" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Earth observation satellites from Japan ] .pull-right[ ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) Project is a series of Japanese earth observation satellites. The latest one was *supposed to be* the ALOS-3 satellite. There have been 2 satellites that have been launched in the past - ALOS 1 and 2. ALOS 3 has failed to launch, and ALOS 4 is under development. These satellites are a combination of SAR satellites and optical imagery observation satellites - they make up the main satellites for Japanese earth observation. ] --- ## The Satellites .pull-left[ #### ALOS (Daichi) <img src="" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ #### ALOS-2 (Daichi-2) <img src="" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-left[ - Operation: 2006 - 2011 - Sensors: - PALSAR (Active Radar) - PRISM (Panchromatic) - AVENIR (RGB + NIR) - Significance lies in the fact that there were multiple sensors in one satellite, allowing for detailed observation ] .pull-right[ - Operation: 2014 - present - Sensor: PALSAR-2 (Active Radar) - Launched as successor to the PALSAR radar in ALOS > The name *'Daichi'*: 「**大地**」literally means **land** Sources: [JAXA (2023a)](#bib-jaxa2023a), [JAXA (2024)](#bib-jaxa2024), [NASA Earth Science Data Systems (2020)](#bib-nasaearthsciencedatasystems2020) ] --- ## Future projects .pull-left[ #### ALOS-3 (failed) <img src="" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ #### ALOS-4 <img src="" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-left[ - Launched in 2023, but failed - Sensor: 6 bands (including RGB, NIR) - Had a spatial resolution of 0.7 m - Designed as a successor to the AVENIR in ALOS; loss of this satellite cast a shadow in the future earth observation ] .pull-right[ - Planned launch in 2024 - Sensor: Radar - Planned as successor to ALOS-2 - Cannot be a substitute for the loss of ALOS-3, due to the difference in bands. Source: ([JAXA, 2023b](#bib-jaxa2023); [JAXA, 2024](#bib-jaxa2024)) ] --- ## Applications: Disaster observation #### Aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake (2011) Observing of disasters is one of the focus areas by ALOS. ([JAXA, 2011b](#bib-jaxa2011); [JAXA, 2011a](#bib-jaxa2011a)) <img src="" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> The image of the coastline near Natori, Miyagi, Japan. Image taken 2 weeks after (left), 3 days after (centre), and before the earthquake and tsunami (right). We can see the tsunami-impacted ares in the centre, and the flooding ceased after 2 weeks. --- ## Applications: Vegetation analysis <img src="" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Deforestation occuring worldwide has been observed, using the Radar image from Daichi-2. [Whittle, Quegan, Uryu et al. (2012)](#bib-whittle2012) explored the deforestation of Sumatra, Indonesia using this dataset - an automatic deforestation detection was made possible, enabling them for simultaneous detection. --- ## Applications: Notes The 2 research papers I have found using the ALOS data are both in Asia. Being the Japanese alternative to the NASA and ESA ovservations, it may be interesting to figure out whether there is a regional preference toward using these observations compared to the alternatives. There seems to be a lot of research comparing the observations of the multiple suites of satellites. --- ## Reflection The ALOS projects have contributed to the growth of Japanese earth observation, with observation available for various wavelengths. Disaster observation is of importance to the Japanese community as a whole. Global observation enables analysis for disasters worldwide, recent example being the earthquake in Turkey ([JAXA, 2023b](#bib-jaxa2023)). The failure of ALOS-3 may impact the earth observation of Japan, especially with the importance lying in disaster management that happens every once in a while. > Japan has this past of losing a weather forcast satellite in 2003, forcing them to lend satellite data from the US for a few years. Hope the next ones will succeed! ### To Do: Use the data from ALOS! I personally feel proud my country is using their own satellites for earth observation. I hope to dig further in to this dataset, and see what we can do! --- ## References <a name=bib-jaxa2011></a>[JAXA](#cite-jaxa2011) (2011b). _Emergency Observation of Magnitude-9.0 Earthquake off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku-Kanto District in Japan in 2011 by AVNIR-2 Onboard "Daichi" (ALOS)_.\_ up/dis\_ opt\_ tohokueq\_110314.htm. <a name=bib-jaxa2011a></a>[JAXA](#cite-jaxa2011a) (2011a). _陸域観測技術衛星「だいち」(ALOS)による東日本大震災の緊急観測結果(21)_.\_ up/jdis\_ opt\_ tohokueq\_110328.htm. <a name=bib-jaxa2023></a>[JAXA](#cite-jaxa2023) (2023b). _ALOS-2 Observations of Earthquakes in Southeastern Turkey in 2023 (Updated on March 2) - JAXA Earth-graphy / Space Technology Directorate I_. <a name=bib-jaxa2023a></a>[JAXA](#cite-jaxa2023a) (2023a). _JAXA Satellite Navigator / Space Technology Directorate I_. <a name=bib-jaxa2024></a>[JAXA](#cite-jaxa2024) (2024). _Dataset \textbar ALOS@EORC_.\_ e.htm. <a name=bib-nasaearthsciencedatasystems2020></a>[NASA Earth Science Data Systems](#cite-nasaearthsciencedatasystems2020) (2020). _What Is Synthetic Aperture Radar?_ Backgrounder <a name=bib-whittle2012></a>[Whittle, M., S. Quegan, Y. Uryu, et al.](#cite-whittle2012) (2012). "Detection of Tropical Deforestation Using ALOS-PALSAR: A Sumatran Case Study". In: _Remote Sensing of Environment_ 124, pp. 83-98.