30-Day Map Challenge

Spatial Analysis
Graphic Design
My contribution to the #30DayMapChallenge, creating maps for every day in November.

November 30, 2023


November 30, 2024

The maps created for the #30DayMapChallenge 2023

Overview of Project

The #30DayMapChallenge is a daily mapmaking challenge that involves creating maps every day in November, with themes assigned for every day.

Year Personal theme Number of Maps Made
2024 More interactives and 3D 9
2023 Using R to make 30 maps 30

Works also summarised in the GitHub repository’s webpage.


My challenge in 2024 was oriented toward interactive maps - find and access from the link below!

Some static maps were made, using Illstrator, Blender, Python and a bit of AI.


In 2023 I have created all 30 maps in 30 days, with the majority using R (mainly the packages in tidyverse - especially ggplot2, sf, terra, and some rayshader). For maps generated programatically, the code to generate are available on the GitHub repository.