CUSP Data Dive 2024

Spatial Analysis
Group project at a spatial data science hackathon, exploring road safety and cycling infrastructure.

February 23, 2024

Plot showing the relationship of difference in serious road casualties by London borough. Blue- and red-bordered boroughs represent case studies of well-performing and need-improvement boroughs from the perspective of cycling infrastructure.

Overview of Project

The CUSP London Data Dive 2024 was a 4-day hackathon hosted by the Centre for Urban Science and Progress exploring the fields of transport, safety, air quality, and health.

The group project investigated the relationship between cycling infrastructure investments and road casualities. Explored datasets include TfL Cycling Data - especially active travel counts and cycling infrastructure, and road collision data also available from TfL.

Density of cycling casualties compared to the number of active travel counts (cyclist counts). Darker boroughs indicate there is a relatively higher probability of cycling casualties for cyclists, indicating room for improvement in terms of cyclist safety.

Although a direct correlation could not be drawn, a case-study based narrative indicates investment on cycling infrastructure may have positive impact in improving cycling safety. Limitations lie in the availability of data, especially the temporal data on infrastructure implementation.

The code and analysis outcomes are available on GitHub

Group Members

This was a joint project by students from King’s College London, the University of Glasgow, and UCL.

CUSP London Data Dive Group

  • Albright Besung
  • Amandeep Singh
  • Hardik Sangwan
  • Laura Gamba R.
  • Manuella C. de Paulo
  • Soki Kimura