The FLEX - AA DLAB 2023
Overview of Project
The FLEX is a pavilion made of rattan canes making use of active bending techiniques. Parametric design methodologies were implemented in the designing stage using Grasshopper on Rhinoceros.
This work was a collaborative project as a student at the AA DLAB 2023 in September 2023. The AA DLAB summer school at the AA School(Architectural Association School of Architecture) is a 2-week summer programme that experiments with the integration of advanced computational design, analysis, and large-scale prototyping.
Aside from the cooperative work on building the prototype based on the decided design, my major contribution was the co-designing of the ‘foot’ - 3D printed attachments to the bottom of the structure, stablising them onto the ground. The physical allocation of connecting beams required consideration.
Design Proposals
Students were required to create a design proposal in a small group. Our proposal was The Elephant (co-designed with Yusuf Alperen Bayir and Sudaksh Nigotiya), an arch-shaped structure using helical modules. The circle is one geometry that self-stabilises under active-bending conditions, which we have utilised as the main structure.
The FLEX DLAB 2023 Structure
Programme Heads
Dr. Elif Erdine, Dr. Milad ShowkatbakhshAA Visiting School Director Dr. Christopher Pierce
Tutors Elif Erdine, Alexander Krolak, Angel Lara Moreira, Milad Showkatbakhsh
Teaching Assistant Chengxuan Li
Students Laya Al Ibadi, Aeshah Alani, Yusuf Alperen Bayir, Rim Cherkaoui, Heloisa de Santis Alfredo, Ahmed Gewaily, Jiyeong Kim, Soki Kimura, Anna Kloos, Amalia Konstantinou, Luis Leon Escoda, Samanta Martinez, Ahmed Mitwally, Netra Mundada, Sudaksh Nigotiya, Zahra Parhizi, Yiru Wang, Hanqi Zhang