30DayMapChallenge 2023


Soki Kimura


November 30, 2023

#30DayMapChallenge 2023

These are the maps I created for the #30DayMapChallenge for 2023.

This was the first (and so far my only) time I participated in the #30DayMapChallenge. All codes can be found at my GitHub repository.


After 30 days of map-making, a few things that came to my mind:

What I gained from the challenge

  • 30 new works of my own!
  • Mapping skills using R (especially using terra, sf, tidyverse and ggplot2, and rayshader)
  • New connections with the mapping community!

What I couldn’t do really well

  • Time. It took time.
  • Wanted to explore other tools! Especially 3D stuff like Blender or Unity.
  • Should have gone more into interactive works

Anyway, I survived! Thank you everyone for the tremendous support, engagement, and sharing!


This page was created using Quarto on RStudio. The gallery was made using the pixture package.